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Alfaisal's Medical Education Research Course

What is AMERC?


AMERC (Alfaisal's Medical Education Research Course) is a course that is designed to teach medical students the basic principles of conducting medical education research through a series of presentations and small group work.


How long is the course and what does it include?


AMERC is a 4-day course comprising of 8 workshops. Each workshop is about 2-3 hours long. Groups of participants actively work and apply the concepts they learn on an actual research project as they traverse through the eight workshops. By the end of the course, attendees will have acquired a framework for understanding and applying essential concepts and principles in medical education research.


Target Audience: Medical students from all universities


Number of Seats: 30 seats


Course Fee: SAR 150


Payment has to be made after registration on the first day of the course, seats will be filled on a first come first serve basis and you will be requested for a confirmation by email.


Registration is closed now. Please check back later.



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This course is organized by Alfaisal MedHub

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